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Delivering actionable consumer insights for retail

A Casino Group company



Our Partners

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In the Memory

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Better decision making

Insights solutions from relevanC assist Monoprix, Franprix and Casino brands in driving their commercial and operational strategies including assortment optimisation and promotional efficiencies.

With the support and insights from our tools and expert teams, Groupe Casino and its suppliers can better analyse and understand the purchasing behaviour of their customers. relevanC Insights powers the next level of category management from enhanced merchandising test measurement, product innovation analysis, to stock shortage reduction and beyond.

A common point of reference

We collect our own transactional and operational data from across the business. Updated in real-time for each SKU, this data is highly accurate and reliable. Brands no longer need to rely on extrapolated third-party data to monitor and optimise category management activities.

relevanC collects a diverse pool of data from each of the Group’s retailers, which allows us to propose meaningful KPIs that present a holistic understanding of sales and promotions performance.

Group Casino then gives access to all brand and retailer stakeholders.






Retailers and brands working together

relevanC Insights brings brands, suppliers and the retailer together around a common source of truth. We bring deep insights into customer behaviour and operational realities that promote collaboration across the supply chain, marketing and category management activities to find efficiencies and innovation.

relevanC Insights packages

  • relevanC hosted bespoke dashboards for instant insights
  • Raw data delivery for mature suppliers with in-house analytics teams
  • Fully managed insights and recommendations from an expert relevanC account manager

ZeroRupture by relevanC

#1 source of customer frustration 

decrease in customer satisfaction
lost sales


A real-time out-of-stocks view that elevates retailer and supplier team collaboration


Highly accurate data sourced in real-time from hundreds of Monoprix and Franprix stores across France brings supplier and retailer teams together around a single source of truth.

Unprecedented data granularity for full visibility of out-of-stocks at every level: brand/category/product & distribution/store/shelf

Shelf-level in-store cameras for real-time, real-world shelf stock visibility that significantly reduces the need for store commercial team visits

AI-powered dashboards for a break-down of out-of-stock reasons and product substitution analysis

A Unique Shopper Experience

We help Casino Group retailers  and partners leverage first and zero-party data to build stronger relationships with customers through a unique and personalised shopping experience.



Retail Data Science Innovation
We build  AI-driven digital advertising solutions tried and tested with large international retailers.


Business & Customer Intelligence
All our solutions are designed to deliver our clients and partners an enhanced data-backed understanding of customer behaviour.

"Now category managers, logistics, demand planning and commercial teams  have an instant understanding of where and why out-of-stocks are occurring" 


Expert Eye with Robin Monnier - AI
By William Brown 17 May 2024

🕗 4 min read ・An inside view of Data Science's role at the core of relevanC's personalised...

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Objective-based personalisation: combining AI and brand expertise
By Camila Ramirez 7 May 2024

🕗 5 min read ・Personalisation has long since been a necessity for retailers and brands looking to...

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Expert Eye with Léa Gorreri - Out-of-stocks
By William Brown 5 June 2024

🕗 4 min read ・Monoprix is working closely with brands to reduce out-of-stocks based on...

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