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Digital Promotions

Next-level Customer Engagement

A Casino Group company




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Personalised Promotions

Our self-serve personalisation platform takes consumer brand marketing personal.  Our advanced algorithm predicts which deals will delight customers based on past buys, creating a unique experience that keeps shoppers returning.

Our easy-to-use platform targets customers according to the brand’s chosen objective, such as reactivating lost customers, attracting existing customers to a new product category, or reinforcing customer loyalty. Campaign performance reporting is available in real-time, allowing continuous optimisation of promotional investments and campaign effectiveness.

Digital Catalogue

relevanC's digital catalogue solution provides Monoprix, Franprix, and Casino’ customer loyalty and acquisition teams with a high-performing and sustainable alternative to traditional paper circulars.

Seamless integration with brands

Embed custom sliders, banners and recommended promotions anywhere from the homepage to checkout. Interoperability is at the core of our solution. Ingest and structure loyalty and store and product data to power your activation campaigns. Realise efficiencies throughout the promotion creation and execution process. No more duplicated effort from marketing, CRM and Loyalty teams. Store, loyalty, product and offers data are centralised for streamlined promotions management



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A Unique Shopper Experience

We help Casino Group retailers  and partners leverage first and zero-party data to build stronger relationships with customers through a unique and personalised shopping experience.



Retail Data Science Innovation
We build  AI-driven digital advertising solutions tried and tested with large international retailers.


Business & Customer Intelligence
All our solutions are designed to deliver our clients and partners an enhanced data-backed understanding of customer behaviour.

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By retailers for retailers

relevanC was born out of big retail to become a leading provider of cutting-edge retail data and advertising services. Founded in 2017, relevanC has offices in France, Brazil, and Colombia and operates globally.

Our technology and teams enable retailers to leverage their loyalty and first-party data assets through a unique combination of innovative AI solutions, personalisation, customer insights and hands-on retail media campaign expertise.

"The digital catalogue creates a stronger connection between the stores and their local customers, helping to build a loyal and committed customer base"


Expert Eye with Robin Monnier - AI
By William Brown 17 May 2024

🕗 4 min read ・An inside view of Data Science's role at the core of relevanC's personalised...

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Objective-based personalisation: combining AI and brand expertise
By Camila Ramirez 7 May 2024

🕗 5 min read ・Personalisation has long since been a necessity for retailers and brands looking to...

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Expert Eye with Léa Gorreri - Out-of-stocks
By William Brown 5 June 2024

🕗 4 min read ・Monoprix is working closely with brands to reduce out-of-stocks based on...

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